Referral Program

It is hugely gratifying to receive the overwhelming appreciation we have been receiving from all of Capital School parents who already share our vision to create a holistic and wonderful learning experience for our pupils. As a gesture of our appreciation, we are happy to introduce our parent referral program, whereby existing parents can refer other parents and receive a reward for every new pupil who is successfully enrolled in Capital School on any of existing pupil’s (parent’s) recommendation.


  • The new pupil (referred pupil) will be exempted from paying registration fees
  • The existing pupil (referring pupil) will get a 5% discount on AY 2024-25 tuition fees for every pupil who gets registered upon his/her referral.

Referral Process

The process of referral rewards is as follows:

  • Write to us with name and contact details of the new pupil at along with the referring pupil’s name & registration number. Parents can choose any one of their wards as a referring pupil in case of siblings, if any
  • You will receive an acknowledgement from the admissions team
  • A referral will be considered successful only if:
    New parent mentions in admissions form the full name and details of the referring pupil
    New parent enrolls his or her ward at Capital School and paid in full for the first installment
  • We will inform you when the child is enrolled with Capital School
  • Your referral discount will be applied to your termly tuition fee invoices.
  • You may refer as many pupils as you wish and receive your referral discount more.

Referral Policy

  • Siblings of (any) existing pupil cannot be considered as a referred pupil.
  • The discount is not allowed to be converted as cash/ any other benefit.
  • The referral program will start on 1st April 2024 and valid till 31st August 2024
  • The new pupil can be referred only once. However, there is no limit to the number of new pupils that a referring pupil /parent can refer to.
  • The reward will be withdrawn if the new pupil cancels the admission before completing one full term
  • Wards of any Capital School / Al Safar Group employees cannot be considered as a referred pupil.
  • Capital School reserves the right to change any of the above terms at any time during the referral program. The school’s decision in this regard will be the final.