
Online Application Process For New Admissions

New admissions are advised to complete the link in the website first. Then pay the assessment fee through secured payment gateway provided in website.


Age Comparison Chart

The school operates using the British system of years and key stages. Enrolment into a year group depends upon the age of each pupil. Only in exceptional circumstances will enrolment take place into a year group other than the chronological age group and in these instances, approval will be sought from the Ministry of Education before a place is offered.


Online Application Process For Siblings

Parents should apply online using the admissions link on the website. Once a parent ID has been generated this can be used for all siblings so that there is no need to re-enter any family information.


For Admissions Structure & Policies

Admission is mainly for the start of the academic year or for the start of each new term. Rolling registration allows for flexibility in the event of a need to start at other points in the term. For Foundation Stage 1, pupils can join immediately after their third birthday if there is space available, provided that they are toilet-trained.

Supporting Documents

  • Original Transfer Letter from student’s previous school
  • Copy of school reports from the previous year of school
  • Copy of student’s Birth Certificate (in English or Arabic)
  • Copy of student’s Passport
  • Copy of student’s residency visa
  • Copy of parents/guardian's Passport
  • Copy of parents/guardian's residency visa
  • Five recent passport size photographs of the student
  • Copy of student's CPR (both sides)
  • Copies of any health and/ or psychological assessments conducted with the student
  • Vaccination Report
  • Full names and two recent passport size photos for each parent/guardian who is authorized to collect the child from school
  • Scanned copy of the family book (for Bahrain nationals)

Offer of Places


The school operates an admissions policy whereby students will be considered for admission into appropriate classes in the order in which their applications are received. All applicants are required to sit and pass an academic assessment prior to being offered a place at Capital School. Applications will be accepted from students with specific needs outside those considered mainstream on an individual basis. The School will only consider students whose emotional, social & learning needs can be met in order that they can access the curriculum and make satisfactory or better progress. This includes those with:

  • Mild and moderate hearing loss
  • Partial vision
  • Restricted mobility
  • Difficulties with fine motor control
  • Mild learning difficulties or delay

Waiting List

If the School receives more applications than there are places available in any year group, a waiting list will be created until three months after the admission date. If the number of applications for admissions exceeds the number of available in any particular year, places will be allocated in accordance with the following criteria: Students will be given priority if they have a sibling, or siblings, currently attending the School on the date of admission. The term ‘sibling’ means full, step, half, adopted or fostered brother or sister;


Payment Policies

  • Tuition fees should be paid termly. Firstly, tuition fee invoices will be generated two months before the payment due date and will be sent to the parents by email or the school Digital Campus system.
  • If a child is scheduled to join the school even after the midterm point, the assessment, registration, Caution deposit, resources & technology fees, and the agreed term’s Tuition fee will be due prior to starting.
  • Fees must be paid in accordance with the invoice on or before the term fee due.
  • The mobile application and parent’s portal access may be disabled if fees are not paid by the due.
  • Pupils are not permitted to sit any exams if the fees are not settled by then.
  • No pupil will be allowed to sit in the next term’s class without clearing the previous term's fees.
  • If the fees are not paid by the due date a warning email will be sent to the parents to advise them not to bring their child(ren) to the school until they clear the pending fees.
  • With respect to persistent late / non payers, the school reserves the right, after the warning notice to cancel the place(s) allocated for the child(ren) and/or freeze the issuance of report cards, and the matter will be referred to the legal department for further action if necessary.
  • Duplicate copies of pupil reports, where requested by parents, will be issued at the charge of BHD 5 per report, to cover administration costs.
  • No Transfer Certificate will be issued until all dues are cleared.
  • Payment by cheque is subject to clearance.
  • Fees once paid are non-refundable except the “Caution Deposit” as per school fees policy.