
AI & Robotics Summer Camp

Following the tremendous success of our inaugural AI & Robotics Boot Camp, we are excited to announce the launch of the AI & Robotics Summer Camp, offering an opportunity for your child to embark on an immersive journey exploring the dynamic worlds of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.

Children will learn the fundamentals of AI &Robotics, while also exposing them to concepts such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and block-based coding. This is organised in collaboration with our esteemed partner, Maker & Coder.

AI & Robotics Summer Camp Details:

For Fundamental Level:
Starting From
: 5th August 2024
Eligible Age Group
: Age 10 – Age 14
: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM
: 16 hours (1 Month)
: BD 50.000

Registration for the second set is now open! Secure your child's seat by clicking link below. Please note that spots are limited to only 20 seats per level, and enrolment will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.

Register for AI & Robotics Summer Camp

For any inquiries or assistance with registration, please do not hesitate to contact us:

+973 1700 8880

AI & Robotics Boot Camp

Fundamental Course Outline (15 Hours):
  • Introduction to MC4.0 Controller and UI FLOW platform
  • Assembling MC4.0 Kit
  • UI FLOW interface and basics of programming
  • Understanding the basics of block-based programming
  • Creating interactive projects using the control / logic and movement blocks
  • Inputs and Outputs
  • If-Else statements
  • Loops
  • Variables and data types
  • Functions
  • Timers
  • Arrays and lists
  • Vibration motor and Sounds
  • Work on RGB and IMU sensor
  • Remote+ and building IOT Projects
  • Final Project and Review
The boot camp will include:
  • Hands-on projects
  • Final project
  • Certification
In Collaboration With

Revolutionary MC 4.0 Kit

(Special Offer Now)

Furthermore, we are thrilled to introduce a special offer on the revolutionary MC 4.0 Kit, designed to enhance your child's learning journey in Robotics, AI, and IoT. As a valued member of Capital School, you can avail of this kit at a discounted price of BD 100 plus VAT (original price BD 120 plus VAT). For more information on this exclusive offer, kindly reach out to

We have included a brochure detailing the MC 4.0 Kit for your perusal. We encourage you to seize this opportunity to empower your child with cutting-edge educational resources.

We look forward to welcoming your child to another enriching learning experience in the fascinating fields of AI and Robotics.
