You Said, We Did

"You Said, We Did" is a tea and talk with parents that usually takes place monthly at Capital School. It serves as an open communication session between parents and teachers. This event fosters stronger relationships, promotes transparency, and enhances the overall educational experience by encouraging open dialogue.

Parent feedback during Tea and Talk is crucial. It provides valuable insights, helps address concerns, and guides improvements. This collaborative approach ensures that the school environment remains supportive and responsive to the needs of students and their families.

Following are few of the top comments!

We have opened up the Secondary entrance and Reception area to welcome pupils and families. We were mindful that all parents, carers and pupils had to come to the Primary area which was not creating a whole-school feel. You will now find more members of staff in the Secondary area. 

As above, this information session will provide all the details parents and carers need to know about assessments, grading and how this looks across the curriculum. Further information will follow about this time and date. 

We will be running a parent information session focusing on this area. We understand how this is a grey area for parents, and we want to ensure all parents know exactly how assessments work. 

We are reviewing all sporting activities across the school. We are developing the MPH over the Winter break which will enable wider use of this area. It will also mean we can offer a wider range of PE skills and units.  

Canteen menu prices is displayed in the canteen itself. The copy will be shared as soon as we have received from the canteen management. 

This is currently in place for Primary and Secondary children at both Reception areas. 

All water dispensers are working correctly and their bottles changed regularly throughout the school day.  We have turned off their ability for them pupils to access the very hot running water from these machine for health and safety reasons 

This is an area we will be discussing with the wider leadership team so we can direct parents and pupils to the relevant areas when the Summer Term arrives. 

Pupils in Secondary have 3 opportunities to use their lockers throughout the day: as they come into school, first break and then second break. We have allowed 10 minutes to swap books/materials for their upcoming. On the rare occasions where double sessions are over break or lunch, pupils’ belongings can be left in their classrooms which are not used over the break. 

Within the weekly Sway Newsletters, teachers will recommend materials which can be accessed online or through physical copies of texts. In the coming months, we will be able to use e-books on devices which pupils can access in and out of school. 

The calendar is ready to be published and will be on the website by the end of this week (14th November). There is a ‘*’ on some dates as we are awaiting Ministry approval for these events 

We have recently recruited an Art teacher from the United Kingdom, and she is starting in January.  

Going forward, we are looking to develop our offer for Secondary and A-Level pupils. We want to be able to offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils, and this is something we are already looking ahead to for the next academic year.  

The weekly Sway Newsletters will cover all the work that needs to be focused on. The tests the pupils will completed expose them to learning from prior year groups, not just their current group.  

The current assessment week for this half term in Primary is the week beginning 24th November. Future assessment weeks will be sent out to parents after the Winter break.  

Cleaners are assigned to each corridor, classroom, and restroom throughout the school to ensure that we maintain a high standard of cleanliness and hygiene. 

Links on letters circulated have been shared for resources that can help our pupils: Dr. Frost Maths, SAM Learning, TTRS are some platforms that can be used. Along with this, Sway Newsletters will highlight useful links and resources that can be used to support children’s learning online with school’s approach.  

From Thursday, every parent will receive a Microsoft Sway link from Reception. This will be the same format from Year 1 to Year 6 and will focus on English, Maths, Science and Topic. These will highlight learning from the previous week, what’s coming up in the next week as well as providing ideas for extra work that could be done. There will also be an optional project which can be completed over the half term. Additionally, there will be a half-termly Sway sent out on the last day of term for the upcoming term ahead (i.e. we will send out Spring 1’s letter on the 12th December). This will be a more overarching view of the half term, with objectives covered and a precis of the learning. 

Currently, we are developing this offer to ensure all non-Muslim pupils have a purposeful lesson whilst their peers attend Islamic Studies and Social Studies. We are looking at the use of SAM Learning for Key Stage 2,3&4 pupils (an online revision platform) with our younger children have opportunities to practise and rehearse key skills. 

The new Senior Leadership Team (SLT) joined CSB in September 2024, and there was no prior plan in place for events proposed by other organizations.  Events at our school need to be planned several months in advance as we need to seek approval from the ministry for such events. 

We have recently shared the school calendar for eth remainder of the year and will publish the school calendar for the next academic year well in advance of September. 

Being an international school, unfortunately this staffing fluctuation is a common.  What we are trying to do is build up a culture where staff develop in their teaching in the time when they are with us, or if this is not possible, we will find a replacement.  We use a variety of methods and agencies and international online recruitment sites to ensure we recruit the correct calibre of staff. 

Parents and carers are able to drop their children off from 7.00am. However, from 7.00am to 7.15am, the children will be supervised by school security staff. From 7.15am, the children are welcomed into school with their class teachers.  

End of day differs from Key Stage to Key Stage.  

FS1 – 12.30 

FS2 – 1.30 

Key Stage 1 – 2.15 

Key Stage 2 - 2.30 

Key Stages 3 and 4 – 2.45 

Pupils in FS with siblings in older year groups are allowed to stay in school until the older sibling finishes for the day. The children are supervised by adults in FS. 

Pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 will be with their class teacher until 15 minutes after the end of day. At this point, they will be taken to the School Counsellor’s office. 

Lectures and awareness sessions on anti-bullying are regularly conducted and communicated to students by our counsellors. 

We are also launching several initiatives during anti-bullying week, where pupils will be able to ‘Report-it!’ online and also using the more discreet ‘Stop-it!’ postboxes found outside the counsellors rooms and in the KS1 reception area